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Odissi the Dance Divine
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Odissi the Dance Divine

by Ranjana Gauhar & Dushyant Parasher
4.3 out of 5

Author Ranjana Gauhar & Dushyant Parasher
Publisher Niyogi Books Illustrated
Synopsis Odissi, also called the ‘dance of gods’, is the intrinsically passionate style of dance that grew from the traditional temple dance. It has charm, grace, lyricism and sensuousness. In the words of the noted Hungarian Indologist, Charles Fabri, it is ‘the most perfect Indian classical dance form’. Classical dance is understood to be the synthesis of body and mind because it merges physical energy with emotional and spiritual enthusiasm. India has had many forms of classical dance which have flourished, declined (under foreign influences) and have been revitalised through the ages. Odissi: The Dance Divine is a chronological survey of the form and style of the dance. The art form today known as Odissi is the descendent of the temple dance that evolved in the Jagannath Temple in Puri. Revered as one of the holiest places in India, the temple was the centre of culture, religion and artistic traditions. In the inner sanctum of this shrine was born the dance of the mahari or temple dancer, which became a tradition and finds expression in the Geeta Govinda that presents Odissi dance as a niti or lifestyle. The book explores the aesthetics of the dance, which is a living tradition till today. Besides, it gives the readers a brief outline of the architects and contemporary gurus of the dance, and the eminent dancers who are in the forefront of this form of dance. It was adjudged Best Book, 2007, in Art Book Category by the Federation of Indian Publishers.

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Binding: HardCover
About the author Ranjana Gauhar is a well-known name in the field of Indian classical dance. She is a leading exponent of the dance form 'Odissi'. Ranjana has experimented with chhau dance and successfully blended it with her own inimitable style of Odissi. She is also trained in Kathak and Manipuri. Ranjana has taken Odissi to various parts of the world. She has performed at the festival of India in the UK, Queen Elizabeth Royal Festival Hall, The Royal Hall of Plymouth, the Commonwealth Institute and Oxford University, to name just a few. She was awarded the senior fellowship by the Ministry of Culture, to research in the Temple Tradition of Odissi Dance and has been honoured with the Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Award. She is also a recipient of the Padma Shree Award. Dushyant Parasher graduated from Delhi College of Art in 1972 and started his career as a graphic designer. He later joined advertising and worked as creative director for some of the leading advertising agencies. He has now settled as a travel photographer, writer and book designer. For the past three decades, Dushyant has been contributing his photographic work regularly to various tourism promotion ventures, books and magazines at home and abroad. He also has three pictorial books to his credit: N.C. HILLS - The Enchanting Land and the Bird Mystery of Jatinga; BHUTAN - A Kingdom in the Sky and TEA - Legend, Life and Livelihood of India.
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Niyogi Books Illustrated
  • Pages: 144
  • Binding: HardCover
  • ISBN: 9788189738174
  • Category: Music & Dance
  • Related Category: Drama & Theatre
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