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An Eye Opening Account Of Gita

Gita is obviously one of the most read & discussed book not only in India but also all across the globe. People read it, interpret it according to their own perception and try to follow it. And if I can take the liberty of saying, that people use its shlokas to sometimes show off their intelligence. I...

Book Review aKsara Bhagavad Gita Haribakth & Vaishnavi

From birth until death, all persons facemoments when they have to take drastic decisions. This is due to the reason that human life practically is a battlefield within the mind. What should they do in such circumstances? The answer to this question lies in adopting practical views in those trying...

Book Review AKSARA BHAGAVAD GITA Haribakth & Vaishnavi
The Universality and Singularity of God

aKsara Bhagavad Gita is an enlightening book that provides a unique view of the Bhagavad Gita. Why was this an important book for you to write? To usher in cosmic harmony and promote universal brotherhood amongst different religionists by proposing a common paradigm to interpret scripture of any religion/philosophy...

Author Interview Haribakth aKsara Bhagavad Gita
Book Review : Aksara Bhagavad Gita by Haribakth

धर्मेच अर्थेच कामेच मोक्षेच भरतर्षभ यदिहास्ति तदन्यत्र यन्नेहास्ति न कुत्रचित्।। कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन। मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि॥ Review: I...

In conversation with Haribakth, Author of “Aksara Bhagavad Gita”

Interview: What/who inspired you to write? Who else but He, with His dangling the carrot of His supreme love in return for propagating His teachings. BG: 18.69 Which is your favourite part from the book? The Dedication page, because it bares my soul. It has the renderer of Gita, the...

Author to Author Introduction #18 with Badiaa, and tonight we are getting to know Haribakth & Vaishnavi Rao

Welcome to Interviews and Introduction of Rising Authors #18, I am #MOI, Badiaa, & tonight we are getting to know Author Ravindra Rao Authors out there, remember, if you have a story to tell, and want to share your book to share with the world, contact me! Today is not about #MOI or my books; Today...

Book Review | Aksara Bhagvad Gita | The Literature Today

Concept- This book is a non-conforming, concept driven study which breaks the persisting semantic and syntactic versions of Bhagvad Gita. We are flooded with a plethora of commentaries and versions of Gita in our religious landscape, then where does this book stand in this crowd? Is it like selling the...

A book exclusively written for the those seeking to interpret scriptures - Author Haribakth

Mr. Ravindra Rao writing under the pen name of Haribakth. A family of senior citizens, He is 63, lives with his spouse and parents. Holds a Masters degree In commerce and a graduate in Law. Was working in a Nationalised Bank for 34 years as IT Officer and took VRS in 2015 to pursue self actualisation...

‘Aksara Bhagavad Gita’ by Haribakth & Vaishnavi

‘For the first time, a book on Hermeneutics of the Gita, presented in a polemic style’ (Blurb) There are more than 300 translations of the Bhagavad Gita, the Song Celestial, from the Sanskrit original into the Indian and Western Languages. This ‘Imperishable Treatise’ has been interpreted, commented...

aKsara Bhagavad Gita: Imperishable Bhagavad Gita

Aksara Bhagavad Gita: Imperishable Bhagavad Gita is a more sociable and exciting version of the renowned Bhagavad Gita. The author writes in layman language, getting the reader to understand the message without difficulty. The Bhagavad Gita, the Hindu scripture, encourages people to be authentic and...

Ravindra Rao

Haribakth is the pen name or the adopted name of the author. In real life, this is Ravindra Rao. He has a master’s degree in commerce from Marathwada University, Aurangabad, India, and a bachelor’s degree in law. He has graduated from Osmania University, Hyderabad. He was an IT officer in a public...

Book Review| Aksara Bhagvad Gita By Haribakth

A fiction always carries a slice of reality. Life bestows us with various circumstances and we respond as per our perceived views towards life. This book is a beautiful effort to analyze various aspects of Bhagvad Gita through a fictionalized chain of events. As many scholars already said; Gita is not...

Book Review: Aksara Bhagavad Gita Opens Up A New Vista Of Understanding Gita

Over the centuries, no scripture of the world ever received so much focus and reviews as the Bhagwat Gita commonly held as the elixir of life in its real perspective. It is one of the books that have been read very widely yet it also is life’s compendium that is most misunderstood as people fail to...

Aksara Bhagavad Gita Simplifies the Mysticism of Lord Krishna: Haribakth

Bhagavad Gita, the elixir of life, needs exact interpretation in simplified terms to enable the people to understand its inner meanings that teach human beings many life lessons, primary among them being the element of Karma: the action philosophy. Making demystification of Lord Krishna in the light...

Haribakth: Profiling the Profiler of Bhagwad Gita for the Common People

Since the time immemorial, the sages, seers, scholars, and philosophers have made umpteen attempts to express what they understood of the meanings of Shrimad Bhagwad Gita. However, profiling the profiler of Gita for common persons has hardly been attempted by anyone. But this is vital to broad-basing...

19th Akshauhini: Algorithm of the Gita | Haribakth & Vaishnavi | Book Review

“19th Akshauhini: Algorithm of the Gita” is an attempt to peep into the infinite knowledge that Bhagavad Gita has to offer. Bhagavad Gita or simply Gita is a collection of 700 Sanskrit verses based on the Hindu epic of Mahabharata. It is a narrative framework of a dialogue between Lord Krishna...

An Interview With Ravindra Rao At Criticspace Journals

Author Background: Haribakth is the pen name of author Ravindra Rao who has written a very well-documented book on Gita – 19th Akshauhini: Algorithm of the Gita. The co-author or the illustrator of the later part of the book is his daughter and an architect by profession – Vaishnavi. The book has...

“The Mind And Heart Is Definitely Healed By Spirituality.” — Haribakth

We invited Haribakth for an exclusive interview on TheCheckerNews last month. However, he is an extremely busy person with his literary work. He could only agree to share his thoughts with us on this weekend only. A former Bank Manger, a prolific writer, and someone who is so much engrossed in spirituality,...

19th Akshauhini: algorithm of the Gita | Book Review

There have been several translations and interpretations of the holy book of the Hindu scripture – Gita. The most knowns among them are undoubtedly the versions by Paramhansa Yogananda and one by A C Bhaktivedanta. Nevertheless, the attempts, by many authors of today, have been made time to time to...

THE WRITING BUDDHA - Opinions | Books | Movies

Recently, I read a very interesting book based upon Bhagavad Gita named "19th Akshauhini". It was an unique approach that I found in all the recent books that are based upon Gita. Hence, I thought of having an interview with its author, Haribakth, and know more about how he ended up writing...

Aksara Bhagavad Gita (Imperishable Gita)

A scripture that transcends all boundaries, the only one you may ever require. Aksara Bhagavad Gita offers a universal interpretative paradigm to interpret any scripture of any religion, philosophy, or ideology, with an in-built checker and auto-updater to keep abreast with the changing times, circumstances...

“Other books on Gita are semantic-based. Aksara Bhagavad Gita is concept-based” – Ravindra Rao (Haribakth)

“Gita, Gita, Gita, and solitude,” replies Ravindra Rao aka Haribakth when asked about his passions in life. He is the author of Aksara Bhagavad Gita, a book on Gita that analyzes and deals with interpretations, aims and objects, characteristics of God and His Gita, and much more. This is the second...

Review: Aksara Bhagavad Gita (Imperishable Gita)

Aksara Bhagavad Gita can be called the conceptualized version of the original Gita. While most of the other books on Gita are semantic-based, this one focuses more on concepts. Author Ravindra Rao has explained several characteristics of God and Gita in the book, along with the right ways to use these...