Malashri Lal recently retired from her academic and administrative positions at the University of Delhi’s English department. She is a member of the English Advisory Board of the Sahitya Akademi and Bharatiya Jnanpith’s advisory committee. Her specialization is in literature, women, and gender studies. Her books include In Search of Sita: Revisiting Mythology, Tagore and the Feminine: A Journey Through Translations, and Finding Radha: The Quest for Love. Lal has been a Senior Consultant to the Ministry of Culture, UGC nominee on Committees, and a member of international book award juries.
The book uncovers the reality beneath a romanticised surface and enteres the lives of the women of Chamba and the rural area of Bharmour. With an understanding that women and culture studies are entering previously unrecorded sites of knowledge, mainly the oral repertoire the anthology seeks to construct a cultural ap which is based on traditional tales, poems, legends, songs, mythologies and domestic and community practices.
ISBN: 9788126032662
MRP: 325
Language: English
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