Nandini Vaidyanathan Do you know anyone who applies management principles to cooking? Who treats her kitchen, like she treated her corporate office for over 30 years, as a place to love, enjoy, learn and lead, to be creative to stay ahead of the curve? Well, now you do. Say hello to Nandini Vaidyanathan, a woman of many parts. Seasoned corporate professional. A successful author who has published two best sellers on Entrepreneurship. A TEDX speaker. Prolific columnist. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Teacher. Speaker. Writer. Trekker and climber. All the parts combine to add another unexpected dimension to her. Gourmet cook. Of an unpredictably sexy kind.

Entrepedia 2Nd Edn. by Nandini Vaidyanathan ₹195
Start Up, Stand Up by Nandini Vaidyanathan ₹350
Cook a Doodle Doo by Nandini Vaidyanathan ₹195