Yogeswar Yogeswar, earlier known as T.R.Shankar, was initially a journalist and worked with The Hindu for nearly thirty-five years. While in his early forties, because of a persistent cold, he tried yoga and naturopathy and was amazed at the results. He started studying the theory of yoga and, in about fifteen years, became an authority on it. He established the Yoga Centre at Chennai and some of his pupils later became yoga teachers. Among Yogeswar's books, Textbook of Yoga was prescribed as a standard textbook for the degree/diploma courses in fourteen Indian universities. Despite requests from some foreign countries to establish yoga centres there, he preferred to develop them in India. He trained many doctors and was a consultant in many hospitals. The ESI Hospital, Chennai, opened a yoga wing due to his efforts and he was a yoga instructor at Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Chennai, for a long time. He passed away when he was eighty-three.
