Sasindran kallinkeel Sasindran Kallinkeel lives in Kannur, Kerala, India after putting 23 years stupendous service in serving the Nation through the Central Reserve Police and was lucky to put a stint of his last 7 years with the elite Police Organization, The Special Protection Group, (Prime Minister’s Security) as a Senior Security Officer. After opting out voluntary retirement to quit the service he is enjoying and surviving as a business man now. He turned into serious writing from March, 2019 and completed his debut novel ‘Rasaathi: The other side of a Transgender” in November, 2019. His second novel ‘Shiva and the Aghoris’ is also completed and is being published shortly. Sasindran is married to Rathna, a Police Officer, and has a daughter Dr. Prakriti Sasindran.

Rasaathi by Sasindran Kallinkeel ₹399
Shiva And The Aghoris by Sasindran Kallinkeel ₹275