Rajendra Kher RAJENDRA KHER, a graduate of Pune University, has been writing for over two decades. He has published ten books in Marathi, all of which have been received with critical acclaim. Some of his bestselling novels have been translated into other languages. He has been honoured with five literary awards. Rajendra has worked as an Assistant Director in the film industry, on documentaries, and as a Programme Director for a TV channel. Early in his career, he produced and directed the short experimental film, Charlie Chaplin in India. He has had extensive experience with writing scripts and screenplays. He has contributed numerous articles and short stories to newspapers and magazines. He can be reached at: [email protected] OTHER BOOKS BY RAJENDRA KHER Empire Of The Gods Digvijay Deha Zala Chandanacha Geetambari Dhananjay Bindusarovar Devanchya Rajyaat Hollywoodche Vinodveer Dainandin Bhagavad-Gita(with Seemantini Kher)

Udayan The Forgotten Pandava by Rajendra Kher ₹399
Mandarya by Rajendra Kher ₹399
Mrityucha Sohala by Rajendra Kher ₹299