Mukul Kanitkar & Anoop A.J Eminent educationist Mukul Kanitkar, is the National Organizing Secretary of Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal, an academic organization. As a full-timer at Vivekananda K endra for twenty-two years, he has held many responsibilities and is the founder secretary of Vivekananda International Foundation. Author of ten books and 2,760 articles in Hindi, English and Marathi, he is considered an authority on Vivekananda, better known as a motivator, orator and a youth icon. Anoop A.J. is a researcher and policy analyst, with many years of experience in policy advocacy. He has worked as a research scholar at Vivekananda International Foundation, Delhi and as a volunteer with Vivekananda Kendra. One of the founding members of Bharat Niti, he writes regular columns in many dailies. Also a political activist, he is the N ational Secretary of the youth wing of Bharatiya Janata Party.
