Jules Bennett Award-winning author Jules Bennett has retired from her career as a beautician to become a full-time writer and stay at home mom. She's married to her high school sweetheart and the two live happily ever after, thus fueling Jules with each and every love story. Jules can be found on Twitter, Facebook (Fan Page) and her website www.julesbennett.com. She holds contests via these three outlets with each release and loves to hear from readers! Silver James likes walks on the wild side and coffee. Okay. She LOVES coffee. Warning: Her Muse, Iffy, runs with scissors. A cowgirl at heart, she?s also been an Army officer?s wife and mom, and has worked in the legal field, fire service, and law enforcement. Now retired from the real world, she lives in Oklahoma and spends her days writing with the assistance of her two Newfoundland dogs, the cat who rules them all, and the myriad characters living in her imagination.

Twin Secrets by Jules Bennett ₹150
Claimed By The Rancher by Jules Bennett ₹150