Bob Christo Bob Christo played Bollywood baddies in scores of films including Qurbani, Namak Halal, Mard, Mr India and Agneepath. If there was a fight to be picked with the hero, a village to be terrorized or an immoral foreigner to be portrayed, it invariably fell on Bob?s beefy shoulders. He acted in over 200 films and fifteen television serials in a career that spanned over two decades. This memorable autobiography traces the journey of a civil engineer from Australia who travelled the world and wrestled with his own demons before becoming one of Bollywood?s most prolific villains??and then went on to reinvent himself yet again. Bob Christo?s life story is like a rollicking superhit and includes bar brawls and shootouts, secret missions and spirituality, wars and passionate liaisons, even music and dance. Above all, Flashback is an insider?s perspective on one of the most fascinating film industries in the world.

Flashback by Bob Christo ₹399