Ambi Parameswaran Ambi Parameswaran has spent a large part of his thirty-five-year working career in advertising at DraftFCB Ulka where he rose to be Executive Director and CEO. An engineer from IIT Madras and MBA from IIM Calcutta, he also completed his PhD from Mumbai University in 2012. Ambi has authored/coauthored six books on topics ranging from brand building and advertising to consumer behaviour. When he is not busy at work, reading, writing or teaching, you can find him at a music concert. His wife, Nithya, is an ex-marketer turned stock market investor. His son, Aditya, is an alumnus of IIT Bombay and Stanford. Ambi and his son started their PhDs at the same time but Ambi says he beat his son in the race to complete his PhD. And Ambi will not tolerate any sassy back answers from his son on that, For God's Sake!
